Snakes and Ladders Deluxe(Fun game)

by Gamekend



★ Fun Game for free !n★ Two player game and support online play.

★ Snakes and Ladders Deluxe ★It is the Fun game of Snakes and Ladders Deluxe with simple game rules. To win ; all you have to do to win is to roll the dice and get to your destination !◆ Easy and interesting play – We made it by remaking Classic ‘Snakes and Ladders Deluxe’ board game. – Anyone can enjoy because it is such a simple game. – Anyone can manipulate this game rule.◆ Two players are available – One mobile phone can be played with two players.◆ Multiplayer Game – It is possible to compete with other players on the internet. ◆ Dont worry about Wifi – You can play a game without running out of Data on off line. ◆ Low capacity Game – 20M game, Feel free to Download it. ◆ A game optimization of android and google – It is able to use in cellphone and Tablet Pc and we provide leader board and an achievement through a goole paly game.〔matters that require attention〕we are supported by commercial advertisement. please understand that we will try our best to have a short advertisement to minimize inconvenience.Thank You!◆ [email protected]

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عماد الدين حمدي سيد


Chelsea Griffiths


Thineth Arna

This app is so cool this app is so cool

sabrina Izhar


عبدالرحمن الشنب

You got it wrong and confusing with snakes. Their heads are supposed to be the one who'll eat you that will cause you to get down from where you are, and not their tails. So confusing. And another thing, can you add more to it? To not be a boring game after some time.

Thagi Lynn

this game is horrible😈😈

Mohamed ayman khalil

Very good game. I would give it 10/10

Emma Louise Duncombe


devika d

